Clients | AliSom

ERP Cloud Platform
Web Applications: Servers | Hosts | Networks | APIs

AliSom has won Vodacom's annual Excellence Incentives for the last 10 years running, as well as being voted by FASA as the Best Franchise in the country across all industry sectors. The Go Company is immensely proud to have had the opportunity to build and maintain numerous cloud solutions for AliSom Communications.

The Click & Connect Recharge Platform is a key highlight. The Click & Connect Recharge Platform can be used by anyone who would like to top-up mobile devices with airtime and or data-bundles. From software development to API integration, every aspect of the technology spectrum has been covered in this long-standing relationship.

Client feedback on the ERP Cloud Platform

“Amazing work as always guys! You should be exceptionally proud of yourselves.” (10 / 10)

Reinhardt Beukes

Chief Technical Officer at AliSom

AliSom logo - ERP Cloud Platform

Project Information

  • Category: Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Technology: Python | Django | MySQL | APIs | Amazon Web Services | HTML | CSS | JavaScript
  • Website:
  • Solution
  • Technology


The Go Company has been fully involved every step of the way and are always ready for the next challenge!

The platform has been in production for almost 7 years already and is used daily by businesses and end-users alike, to automatically or manually recharge airtime, SMS, data or voucher bundles!


The Click & Connect Recharge Platform, is a mobile network independent prepaid airtime and data-bundle recharging platform.

  • Linux, NGINX, UNIX
  • MySQL, Django, Python
  • Full stack development (JavaScript, CSS, HTML)
  • Fully managed infrastructure by The Go Company
  • Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS)